Natures Dominion.

Natures Dominion.


Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.

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Coral Springs,
Fl, United States

The Vitamin D3 essential to maintain a health prostate.

First lets dive into some very important facts about this D3 element. Then we will explain why vitamin D3 for prostate is essential.

Now, let me go over the key information and concepts around what I refer to as The Human Hibernation Syndrome. This condition is brought on by your body acting as though it is getting ready for winter by not getting enough sun.

First fact:
Vitamin D3 isn’t a vitamin. It’s actually a seco-steroid hormone that modifies gene expression to impact nearly every cell in your body. Nearly every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D3.

Second Fact:

The active hormone form of vitamin D is called vitamin D3, and people used to typically obtain the majority of their vitamin D3 from sun exposure. The inactive version of vitamin D, which is actually derived from cholesterol and is remarkably similar to it, is activated by the sun to become the active hormone.
Although we can disregard them for the time being, the kidneys and liver include a few more tiny steps.
If you eat among other things, you can obtain vitamin D2 and D1, which are significantly less active plant-derived versions of the hormone, through your diet. UV-exposed mushrooms. D1 and D2 are regarded as weaker, synthetic substitutes for the animal hormone D3. (Cholesterol is used as the raw material for a wide variety of hormones). For this reason, they are referred to as steroids, and they comprise hormones like cortisol, DHEA, progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, and vitamin D3. Other than a few minor adjustments here and there, they are all rather identical in appearance.

Third Fact:

In general, people produce a lot more Vitamin D3 through their skin during the sunny summer months than during the gloomy winter months. The majority of people used to obtain the majority of their D3 from sun exposure, even though diets can now be the primary source of D3 for many individuals.

Fourth Fact:

A multitude of illnesses and conditions are linked to a vitamin D3 deficiency. For the time being, let’s limit our attention to obesity, depression, arthritis, and cold susceptibility.
Here’s the reasoning now: Your body receives a lot of sun exposure in the spring and summer, which causes your levels of Vitamin D3 to rise. From an evolutionary standpoint, your body thinks that there is enough of food, long days, and all is well. Thus, the sunshine hormone D3 alerts your body to the fact that food and vitamin supplies will be accessible, so it’s acceptable to expend a lot of energy and get things done. Consequently, D3 gives you a lot of energy, keeps you active, controls your hunger, and promotes your health.

Vitamin D3 starvation:

Residents in northern latitudes experience a sharp decline in D3 production, the signal produced by sunshine, when winter arrives. From an evolutionary standpoint, your body now anticipates a significant likelihood of starvation, which frequently happens during the winter months when resources are limited.
(Ask the Donner party about the starvation in the winter! In 1846, during a blizzard on a Nevada mountain road, the pioneers started to starve to death. Only 48 of the 87 members of the initial party survived, having resorted to cannibalism in order to survive!

Now, if you were a northern bear, one indication that it’s time to start preparing for hibernation would be a dropping and low D3. Actually, during the summer, black bears’ Vitamin D3 levels are approximately 23 nmol/L (or 10 ng/mL, according to the scale we typically use). During hibernation, however, these levels decrease to 8 nmol/L (or 3 ng/mL), with the decline in D3 being compensated by a significant increase in an inactive form of Vitamin D, which in the case of the bear is a pseudo-Vitamin D2.

The bear fact:

When a bear is getting ready to hibernate, it will start eating as much as it can to gain as much weight as it can and survive the winter. Female bears frequently gain 70% of their body weight during hibernating, compared to their lowest summer weight. In addition to raccoons and skunks, other mammals that hibernate include woodchucks, chipmunks, hamsters, hedgehogs, and bats. Along with crocodiles and alligators, who go months without feeding when it’s cold and dark outside, the majority of reptiles and amphibians hibernate. Hibernation appears to be a response that may have evolved periodically in all creatures or in their evolutionary ancestors. In light of this, it is quite possible that our DNA contains ancient, but partially dormant, hibernation mechanisms unique to humans.

Fifth Fact:

It has been discovered that individuals who are obese, depressed, who has enlarged prostate, or who suffer from arthritis or other musculoskeletal symptoms are significantly low in vitamin D3!

Sixth Fact:

In one set of experiments, every winter, all of the prisoners in the prison contracted the ordinary flu. In one experiment, all of the inmates in Cell Block D3 received Vitamin D3 pills, and as a result, none of them contracted the common cold!

Seventh Fact:

Adult obesity rates and a host of other ailments, such as autism and asthma, have surged since the early 1980s, when medical professionals began cautioning us against excessive sun exposure!

Eighth Fact:

Beginning in the early 1980s, medical professionals advised us to wear enough of high-strength sunblock whenever we went outside in order to prevent skin cancer.

The Vitamin D3 essential to maintain a health prostate.
The Vitamin D3 for prostate

The Syndrome of Incomplete Repair

A subset of this, which I refer to as the Incomplete Repair Syndrome, can also account for the numerous other illnesses and ailments brought on by low vitamin D3 levels. This illness arises from the fact that nature has shaped humans to be extremely frugal with our vital resources, using them only very seldom to heal wounds and perform routine bodily maintenance. This frugal behavior results in half-baked maintenance and repairs that are only finished enough to get by. The body will remain in this state until it receives a signal from the sunlight hormone indicating that resources will be plentiful once more. At that point, the body will be able to undo any unfinished repairs and maintenance and perform new ones entirely, correctly, and totally, utilizing all available resources.

Men need vitamin D3 for a normal prostate function

That concludes our discussion. Like most people, you will eventually become sad, obese, sickly, and start to accumulate injuries that never heal and maintenance problems that never go away if you have persistently low Vitamin D3 levels all year long and eventually all your life! This Healthier Prostate supplement is essential for all men. And since 1980, when physicians began advising people to avoid the sun and wear protective sunscreen, a significant percentage of the people population has gained weight. of addition, a number of additional issues are coming to light, such as the sharp increase of asthma, autism, and even potentially fatal peanut allergies!


The History of Vitamin D3

Humanity has apparently known about vitamin D in some form since prehistoric times, but the earliest scientific description of a vitamin D deficiency—known as Rickets—did not occur until approximately 1650. And it wasn’t until about 1920 that a scientist discovered that feeding dogs a small amount of cod liver oil would prevent them from developing Ricketts syndrome. The dogs in the scientist’s experiments were raised entirely indoors and away from the sun. It was discovered that sun exposure for the dogs could also treat ricketts. It was later shown that vitamin D3 was the active ingredient in cod liver oil!


What is rickety-bodies? It is a bone disease that was particularly common in the 1800s and early 1900s in urban areas of Europe and the US, when people worked indoors in factories and received little sunlight. Children suffering from Rickets would grow slowly, have bent legs, and have fragile, soft bones, while women would have severe pelvic malformations that would require cesarean sections in order for them to give birth. Adult cases of rickets were referred to as osteomalacia, which translates roughly to “bone badness.”

Vitamin D

Since scientists had previously only identified vitamins A, B, and C, they named the compound found in cod liver oil, which helped treat a deficit, “Vitamin D.” They had no idea that it was actually a crucial steroid hormone, known as a seco-steroid, which is thought to be necessary for most life forms to maintain optimal health, rather than a vitamin at all.
Cod liver oil contains vitamin D3 (the fish themselves produce it as well), but our bodies can also produce it when we sit in the sun and let the sun’s rays strike our exposed skin.

In the 1920s, 20 mg of vitamin D is equivalent to 1,000,000 IU in the 1930s.

IU is merely a common medication measurement, similar to how an inch represents length.It stands for International Units and has no further meaning. Later on (after the first edition of this book was published), I discovered that Big Pharma is said to have created IUs to mislead the public and discourage them from taking high-dose Vitamin D3 in place of the company’s costly medications (20 mg of D3 is equal to one million IUs!).- Refer to update #4 before the reader feedback at the end of the book. Naturally, this implies that Big Pharma is engaged in some kind of plot to dissuade people from taking D3 in favor of purchasing its pricy medications!


Scientists identified vitamin D toxicity shortly after they discovered vitamin D. The toxicity arises from the fact that vitamin D, unlike vitamin C, does not pass through your body easily. Instead, it can build up in your fatty tissues, and if you have far too much vitamin D stored up, you may experience some troubles. In the worst situations—which are essentially unheard of—vitamin D overdose can worsen kidney impairment, induce hypertension, encourage heart disease, “attack” the joints, and occasionally result in excessive calcification. Scary?!

You are deficient in Vitamin D3

In contrast, rickets/vitamin D deficiency results in the loss of calcium from the bones, which then enters the blood. This can produce arthritic calcification, which can cause joint problems, heart disease, and a host of other horrendous consequences, as you will soon see. Thus, it appears that you will be doomed if you act and damned if not! But believe me, after finishing this e-book, you will understand that everyone has a level that is “just right,” and the chances are quite high that your vitamin D3 levels are well below what is necessary for good health. You, are probably 99% certain to be deficient in Vitamin D3, if not by the standards of today, then by the standards of tomorrow. Men need vitamin D3 more than women. Males need vitamin D3 for prostate.

Vitamin D3 for men

It turns out that vitamin D toxicity was and is a very rare occurrence that only happened when a normal person accidentally overdosed on vitamin D, often consuming up to one million IU of the vitamin daily for months at a time. These overindulgers essentially recovered to normal when they stopped taking the massive doses, but in certain cases, they experienced reduced kidney function and elevated blood pressure, likely as a result of calcification of the kidneys and arteries. Should this seem like a risk, you will quickly discover that the dangers of having insufficient levels of Vitamin D3 are far worse for you!

Vitamin D toxicity is rare

It is stated that excessive sun exposure has never resulted in vitamin D poisoning. On the website of a doctor, it states that “the early cases of vitamin D toxicity that formed the basis for safety concerns generally involved individuals with vitamin D hypersensitivity, the use of synthetic vitamin D analogues, or impurities in vitamin D production. It’s only now that the scope of vitamin D poisoning has become apparent that it was previously a matter of great concern for a variety of reasons.
In retrospect, scientists understand that vitamin D toxicity is uncommon and usually results from excessively high oral intake—it is never caused by exposure to sunlight.” (From-Nutrition & bone health Vitamin D: An old bone builder takes on new importance. Dr. Susan E. Brown, PhD)

Even at very high doses, vitamin D3 toxicity nearly never happens.

I conducted a little research on vitamin D toxicity and searched the Pub Med database for all scientific journal articles published on the subject from 1967 to the present. I found that most of the articles describe extremely high doses that people have taken without experiencing any harm, and that vitamin D3 toxicity almost never happens, even at very high amounts! The doctors were so taken aback that the pieces were published! The outcomes they observed went against everything they had been taught in medical school regarding the negative effects of vitamin D! Additionally, I learned that a possible 5% of people may be more susceptible than the general population to extremely high dosages of vitamin D.

Aging and Vitamin D3

I should mention one more thing from my past that might be relevant before I continue. For nearly twenty-five years, I have been thinking about aging, evolution, and health, and I never stop coming up with new hypotheses and ideas. After researching the theory of calorie restriction and how it prolongs life span in all examined animals, I had one thought. I only questioned why, in the event of a famine, evolution would want you to live longer. The explanation that occurred to me was that, in the event of a prolonged famine, evolution would want to ensure that at least one mating partner within a community was young enough to procreate.

Thus, calorie restriction not only halts the aging process largely (and inhibits reproduction, which in a famine could be fatal for both mother and kid) but also, for the rats and mice at least, revitalizes you. Since Clive McCay’s 1933 experiment, which was reported in the Journal of Nutrition, which showed lifetime extension in malnourished rats, scientists have repeatedly confirmed these findings. If you’d want, you can look up this study online. Numerous studies have been conducted since then that show how calorie restriction extends one’s life.

Vitamin D3 for men

Additionally, vitamin D appears to be beneficial in managing and preventing BPH. It appears that there is a connection between the expansion of the prostate gland, vitamin D insufficiency, and the ensuing symptoms related to the urine.

It appears that insufficient vitamin D may promote cell division and prevent a cell’s natural process of dying off. Low vitamin D may therefore facilitate the proliferation of prostate cells.

For men

For men, a daily dose of 10 micrograms of vitamin D is recommended. Since the majority of vitamin D is produced by the sun, we might need to take a supplement throughout the winter to maintain adequate levels when there is less sunshine.